Make the Most out of Your Virtual Mock-ups

Make the Most out of Your Virtual Mock-ups

Running a screen printing shop is full of fun and interesting challenges. Working with tight deadlines and art can be a nightmare for some. Working toward a Standard operational Procedure on all parts of your shop will help make things more controllable.

One of the many areas i see shops (large and small) Struggle with is when customers say that their order doesn’t look like what they expected. Well, that could be because something went wrong on press or in another part of your shop, BUT…it could be because you didn’t do your due diligence to make sure that you did your best to convey all the many parts of the print to the customer.

Making sure to utilize things like, how many inches down a print starts, or where the art center is, can make a world of difference to your customer. You must remember that you are used to seeing printed goods and working through the process, your customer often times is not as much a pro as you may be. Help them take the guess work and confusion out of the process to assure the best customer service experience and the best quality work.

Pro Tip- if you are doing more than 1 print location for an order, don’t jam them all in one mock up, make a mock up for each print location.

Download my free pdf (illustrator editable) below. The art board includes notes on how to properly utilize it, to make the most of your virtual mock-ups! 

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